April Fool SMS - English, Nepali N Hindi April Fool SMS and Message - Palpali Milan

01 April 2011


April Fool SMS - English, Nepali N Hindi April Fool SMS and Message

Feeling bored?

Feeling bored?
Wondering, what to do?
Open the zip!
Enter your hands in between your zip..
take out your...
book from your bag and study..

खुट्टा उठाएर गर्नुहोस....

खुट्टा उठाएर गर्नुहोस
सुतेर भए पनि गर्नुहोस
अगाडी अनि पछाडी बाट गर्नुहोस
जति गर्नुभयो त्यति आनन्द आउनेछ
त्यसैले सबैले रामदेवको योगा गर्नुहोस ।

I am sorry yaar, aaj tak maine tujhe avoid kiya...

I am sorry yaar, aaj tak maine tujhe avoid kiya,kai bar tujhse bat nahi ki, tujhse hath nahi milaya,
Sorry yaar mujhe pata nahi tha ki “AIDS” chhune se nahi failta.

एक चोटी केही बाँदरहरु बनबाट भागेर शहरको होटलमा पसेछन्...

एक चोटी केही बाँदरहरु बनबाट भागेर शहरको होटलमा पसेछन् , तिनीहरुमध्ये केहीले ऐनामा हेर्दै हास्न थालेछन् केहीले कपडा लगाएर नाच्न थालेछन् अनि केहीले इन्टरनेटमा यो SMS पढ्न थालेछन् हा हा हा हा

Cheese is Cheese....

Cheese is Cheese
Butter is butter
if u 4get me
i will throw u in
--- G U T T E R-----

So Sweet is ur SMILE.....

So Sweet is ur SMILE
so Sweet is ur STYLE
so Sweet is ur VOICE
so Sweet is ur EYE
see .......how Sweetly I LIE.

Is kadar hum aapko chahte hai ki duniya

Is kadar hum aapko chahte hai ki duniya
wale dekh ke jal jate hai, yu toh hum sabhi ko ULLU banate hai, lekin aap thoda JALDI ban jate hai...

Hey get ready, my marriage is fixed......

Hey get ready, my marriage is fixed.
Its on 1st of April. Surprised?
Stupid, 1st april is April fool, and u r the 1st person whom I fooled

Aap jaisa koi meri zindaki mein aaye to baat banjaye.....

Aap jaisa koi meri zindaki mein aaye to baat banjaye
Aap jaisa cute meri zindaki mein aaye to baat banjaye
Aap jaisa cute meri zindaki mein aaye to baat banjaye
Aap jaisa bewakoof meri jhhoti baaton per yakeen kare to "APRIL FOOL" banjaye

We know each other for quite a while now....

We know each other for quite a while now, do u think we can b more than friends? cos i like u very much. will u b my partner 4 babysitting .

The time since I have met u, i have realized.....

The time since I have met u, i have realized that a friend like you is worth million dollars...
So, if u dont mind......

Can I sell you?

In your life, when you wake up n u .....

In your life, when you wake up n u  don't see any one, then come to me, i'll be there to hold ur hand n take you to the EYE SPECIALIST

If u save this msg, it means I'm cute.....

If u save this msg, it means I'm cute. If u edit this, I'm still cute. If u fwd this, u r spreading that i'm cute n if u erase
this, u r jealous of me coz i'm cute!

If you are in tension,....

If you are in tension,
If nothing seems right,
If u find no way out,
Then just think of me only once,
I will be always there to INCREASE your tensions

Today, tommorow and forever there will be one heart......

Today, tommorow and forever there will be one heart that would always beat for you.
You know Whose???
Your Own Stupid!!!

If ever in your life u r very sad n feel .......

If ever in your life u r very sad n feel that u have lost everything, I’ll come, hold ur hand, take u 4 walk on a bridge and show u where 2 jump from

A - U r Attractive.....

A - U r Attractive
B - U r the Best
C - U r Cute
D - U r Dear 2 Me
E - U r Excellent
F - U r Funny
G - U r Good-Looking
H - hehehe
I - I'm

A study has proved that all fools use.....

A study has proved that all fools use their THUMB while reading a SMS.
Now its 2 late dont try 2 change ur finger! Catch another fool!

. Fact1: You can not touch your.....

Fact1: You can not touch your lower lip with your tounge...
Fact2: After reading this, 99/100 idiots would try it.

U R the one who is CHARMING

U R the one who is CHARMING
U R the one who is INTELLIGENT
U R the one who is CUTE
and I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS

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